🌟 Star of the week 🌟

Well done to Finlay who is Hardwick’s star of the week for initiating having a go at a variety of activities in class. Well done Finlay!

🌟Star of the Week🌟

Hardwicks Star of the Week this week is Abdul. For walking with a ladderback with support from the front Well done Abdul 😁

🌟 Star of the Week 🌟

This week Hardwick’s star of the week is Thomas for engaging in the multi-media story. Well done Thomas 😁

Fun start back to school!

We have had great start back in Hardwick. Playing bowling in PE , baking delicious buns and music with Rosie is back!

Christmas trip to Gullivers

On Monday Hardwick class had our Christmas trip to Gulliver’s to meet Santa. πŸŽ… Our children had a lovely time meeting Santa, We got to tell him what we had on our Christmas list and we also got a little present.🎁

Dear Parents,

Welcome to 2025! We will be returning for the spring term ready for a fun topic, β€˜Do Cows Drink Milk?’

As a class, we will be exploring life on a farm, the animals living there, the names of their babies and the food that the farmers grow for us. In art, we will create a large-scale model of a farm and their animals using different boxes and exploring ways of attaching the legs, head and tails.

In literacy lessons, pupils will listen to rhymes about animals and farms, bringing books to life through sensory stories. These stories and rhymes will support our maths learning too!

In our music sessions, we will sing songs about the farm and shake our homemade seed shakers, creating loud and quiet sounds to different beats. Pupils will explore what foods from a farm we can use in the kitchen to create tasty recipes. Yummy!

We will be getting green fingered as we plant seeds and watch how they change over time, exploring the wildlife needed to help plants grow.

During the term, we plan to visit a local farm to take in the sights, sounds and smells. We’ll observe the different farm animals, crops and vehicles, and maybe even take a ride on a tractor!

Our daily task series programmes will continue, and we have a lot of exciting events coming up, including pancake day (yum!), World Book Day and, of course, Easter!

As always, if you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to get in contact.

Best wishes,

The Hardwick team