O Christmas tree!

The Warwick class took some beautiful photos by our lovely school Christmas tree and we just had to share them with you!

It’s a baby!

It’s a baby! The Warwick class’s  Christmas play was just the best! Look how amazing we looked! We did lots of singing, pushing our switches and using all our props! We loved it!

Christmas in Warwick!

This Christmas in Warwick our lessons were jam packed with Christmas fun! We did lots of Christmas crafts, did some Christmas baking and even had a visit from santa!

Children in need!

The Warwick class had the best time celebrating children in need with all the other classes, taking part in raising money! We looked great in our pj’s!

Sitting program friday!

The Warwick class just wanted to show you how hard they have been working on friday’s during their sitting programs! Look at us go!

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to a new academic year in Warwick class.  Over this first week back, we have welcomed Rive to the Warwick classroom. She has settled into the class beautifully and comes to school Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. We have all been busy meeting fellow peers and joining in all aspects of school life. We have really enjoyed hearing about everyone’s summer holidays and hope you are all feeling rested and ready for a new school year. We have also enjoyed celebrating both Rive’s and Salah’s birthdays.

The Warwick staff team consists of Abbey ‘conductor-teacher’, Sam ‘senior conductor assistant’, Georgina, Toni, Leanne- ‘conductor assistants’ and Rachel ‘lunch time support’. We also welcome Katie, a full-time conductor assistant and Amy a conductor assistant who will be in our class Wednesday to Friday. We are all looking forward to the exciting things we have planned throughout this term.

Our new, exciting topic for this term is ‘My School – Long Ago’. This lovely topic was chosen as it allows the class to get to know each other, their staff team and their wider school community. They will go on a journey through time, to explore what school life was like many years ago and how it has changed over time. Through this topic, we aim to ignite their curiosity about the past while making meaningful connections to their present school experience.

Throughout the term, the children will be involved in a range of exciting sensory based activities that will encourage them to explore how school life has evolved. We will be exploring old and new objects, such as chalkboards, old-fashioned toys, and school uniforms from the past. We will read books and sing nursery rhymes that were popular in schools long ago and in the present day.

During role-play, we will have the opportunity to dress up, act out school days from the past, and even create our own “old-fashioned” school items, such as school bells. We will continue with daily phonics, along with sessions focused on Maths, AAC and ICT- all with an emphasis on a multisensory-play approach to learning.

We have some exciting educational visits planned from Magna, pumpkin picking to seeing the main man himself…Santa. All information will follow shortly!

The Task Series continues to be an integral part of our daily routine, and we have been able to introduce some new tasks into our morning lying programme.  The children also enjoy developing skills in a sitting position during the Hand Task Series.  This term we look forward to putting these skills into practice with the use of switches and mark-making tools, during sensory play and other activities.

New termly targets are on the way, we hope you find these an encouraging reflection of your child’s next steps.  As always, please don’t hesitate to get in touch about anything at all.

Best wishes,

The Warwick Team