Careers & Preparation for Adulthood Download

As a Conductive Education school, we strive for the goal of orthofunction: equipping learners with the “can do” attitude, independence, and aspirations needed to actively enjoy successful and purposeful adult lives.  This ethos gives impetus to how we fulfil the Preparation for Adulthood outcomes for our young people and fuels our careers education.

Our careers education forms part of our PSHE curriculum, and employability skills are developed throughout our curriculum – being a particular focus of communication and Life Skills lessons for our Secondary learners.

In Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5, we will provide each student with personalised support to choose their next steps beyond Paces School.  This will involve 1:1 discussion with our Careers Lead or Family Support Worker to help us understand the opportunities and external links and support that will be most valuable.  This could include supported work experience or work shadowing, or supporting students to make visits to potential future destinations like local colleges or our adult service.

For more information about our Careers programme, please contact Kathy Fagg via the school office.