Dear Parents and Carers,
This term we are learning about the human body for our WJEC Science unit. We are learning about the main systems of the body and the jobs they do. We will do lots of practical experiments and we have already made a working model of a chamber of the heart to show how it pumps blood. We will also be measuring and recording data, such as blood pressure, heart rate and temperature and drawing conclusions about health. We will be thinking about how exercise helps us keep healthy and how we can eat healthily; we will apply this by planning, shopping for and cooking a healthy meal in the last week of half term.
In English, we are studying the narrative, A Dangerous Game by Malorie Blackman. The main character overcomes lots of difficulties to achieve his aspiration to be more independent and go on a residential school trip. We will explore the characters and the other components of the narrative, using evidence to support our ideas. We will look at how adjectives can be used to make lively persuasive descriptions, thinking about tourist advertising. As we reach the dramatic climax of the story, which is set in Queen Elizabeth Forest Park near Loch Lomond, we look at how the author creates tension before trying these techniques in our own writing.
In Mathematics, alongside our work on multiplication and division, we will focus on the WJEC unit Using Money. We will be developing our skills in making amounts of money, adding amounts and calculating change. We will also develop this topic in PSHE, thinking about preparing for adulthood; we will learn about ways of paying for things, budgeting and saving.
In Humanities this term, we will study RE and work towards the WJEC Places of Worship unit. We are currently learning about Islam. This will link to our work on Pakistan in our multicultural week in May.
In Art we are currently working on innovative methods of painting and creating art, with a focus on portraits. Students had great fun painting with heads, hands feet and using their breath.
Inspired by our class novel and a range of artists, and other people, we are looking at setting ourselves challenging targets, exploring our aspirations and overcoming any obstacles in our way. It is set to be a very exciting term!
Termly targets will be sent home shortly. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact.
Best wishes,
Windsor Team