Pizza please!
As part of our science lesson we created our very own delicious pizza. We used ingredients that can be grown in the garden. The best part was eating it!
As part of our science lesson we created our very own delicious pizza. We used ingredients that can be grown in the garden. The best part was eating it!
We have had such a fun and busy week celebrating our mental health! We participated in a readathon, had sensory time on the carpet, did some mark making and also looked at different emotions!
Balmoral have planned and carried out a fair test to measure precipitation. We cannot wait to record our results.
We are investigating if flowers change colour when we add food colouring to the water. What do you think will happen?
This half term we have been learning about animations in computing and what fun weve had! Looking at famous animators like Wallace & Gromit, Lego Movie and Morph! This week we have been planning and setting our own scene!
In Maths this week we have been learning about 2D Shapes. We explored the shapes in Art and putting them together to make abstract pictures.
We have been reading a story called ‘Over in Australia: Amazing Animals Down Under’. In Phonics, we listened to the sounds made by animals such as crocodiles, parrots and koala bears, and chose musical instruments to represent them. We especially liked using the Boomwhackers to mimic a crocodile’s jaws snapping!
The eggs have arrived! On Monday, we had delivery of 10 eggs along with the incubator . The class were very excited to await the hatching. We got 5 girls and 5 boys!
Well done to Finlay who is Hardwick’s star of the week for initiating having a go at a variety of activities in class. Well done Finlay!
Balmoral have created the most amazing mountains out of clay, manipulating with both hands and using tools to create different textures and effects. We can’t wait till they dry ready to glaze, paint and add detail.