RE Day

We read the story of Noah. Children explored God’s promise in the story and who makes promises in our lives including the police and doctors. Children came up with their own promises including to listen, to share and to be kind to everyone. We also had the opportunity to visit the Hardwick Class where they … Read more

Medieval Banquet

Children have explored medieval foods that kings and queens eat. They have really rich foods, we decided to make jam tarts. Children followed recipes, found the ingredients and equipment in and around the kitchen. Children learnt about how to behaviour in a kitchen and the risks, they demonstrated amazing attitudes to their learning and were … Read more

Trip to the Library

We went for a trip to the library to explore non-fiction texts around the topic of Knights. Children enjoyed the walk to the library practicing their skills of crossing the roads and keeping themselves safe whilst out and about. Whilst on the walk we also explore different career that people do, including opticians, bakers, estate … Read more